Showing posts with label antique swords online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antique swords online. Show all posts

Antique Swords Online / Anglian Swords ERRORS (Harvey Withers is a blunt edge)

Harvey Withers AKA Anglian Swords on eBay tells the world he is an antique sword expert. He writes books on the subject of antique swords. I just visited his site, antiqueswordsonline dot vom and Anglian Swords' listings on eBay. Harvey is no expert. Mr. Withers is not someone I would buy a sword from, and I certainly wouldn't buy one of his sword books!

Harvey gets it wrong. This is a Malaysian Kris / Keris (a "Peninsular" keris), not Indonesian; a HUGE mistake; ask any kris / keris collector. Yes, true, some of these Peninsular Keris come from Sumatra, BUT they are always referred to as Malay Kris; Indonesian kris have a totally different hilt / grip.

Mr. Withers gets it wrong again! This is not an 1886 model Japanese cavalry officer's sword but an 1899 model, a HUGE difference. At least the price is OK; £225.00

Here's the price, so he does not change it and claim I was falsely reporting it;

Harvey plugs his books at the end of the page, but who would want to buy a book written by someone that makes so many mistakes?

And look, the antique sword "maestro" is also flogging it as an 1886 model on eBay, but at a higher price of $495 USD, which I just checked is £308. You must be nuts to buy from Harvey IMHO, especially nuts to buy from Anglian Swords on eBay!

You do not have to look far Harvey, there is plenty of info on the Internet, like here.

Now I did not check every item on Harvey Withers' site, so there are probably more mistakes there. The thing is, it gets to the point you know if you go to Anglian Swords' listings / his Antique Swords Online website, that you will find at least one massive gaff.

Seems Harvey Withers had a bad holiday in Florida recently (click photo of Harvey Withers below)!

So who is the biggest mug, Harvey Withers or the people that buy from him? Especially if they buy at his inflated Anglian Swords prices on eBay, or his "expert" books?